Mission:data advocates for customer-friendly energy data access policies throughout the country in order to deliver benefits for consumers and enable an innovative, vibrant market for energy management services. 


 The Mission:data Coalition is guided by these two simple principles:

  1. All consumers should have easy access to the best available information about their energy use (including both “backhaul” information through the utility website and real-time information directly from smart meters) and the ability to easily share that data with energy management service providers of their choice.

  2. Energy consumption and pricing information should be provided in the best available format to support innovative new services (including machine-readable formats that are consistent nationwide and consistent with the best industry standards).

For more information on how to join the Mission:data Coalition, email




Michael Murray, President

Michael served as Mission:data's Chief Technology Strategist from 2014-2016 and now as its President. Previously, he co-founded Lucid in 2004, an energy management software company serving commercial building owners. He has over fifteen years of experience with building automation, energy management, metering and public utility regulation. Michael earned his B.A. with highest honors from Oberlin College.



Scott McGaraghan, Uplight-- Previously, Scott was Nest’s first employee dedicated to establishing partnerships with energy companies and he worked for demand response aggregator EnerNOC, overseeing business development activities in the Western US and internationally. In this capacity, Scott opened EnerNOC’s UK office, the company’s first outside of North America. Scott holds Engineering and Business degrees from Stanford. He has been published and spoken extensively on issues relating to breakthrough approaches to energy management, and currently resides in Menlo Park, CA.


Keven Brough, Renew Home